Wednesday 25 January 2012

Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels
In the first two minutes we are able to establish that the genre of this film is going to be a British realist gangster film. A convention which shows the audience this is the location. The opening scene is filmed in back streets in a run down hidden road and men are selling stolen goods. The fact that within the first two minutes we are shown they are selling stolen goods, it suggests that is going to be the theme of the film, which is why it is a British realist gangster film. They then run from the police, which shows they're rebellious and that what they are doing is wrong, this is another convention of a British realist gangster genre. It is filmed in run down streets and the lighting used is very dark, which is something we would associate with this type of genre. Another point to back up why I believe the genre of this film is going to be a British realist gangster film is because of the accents the characters have. They have a heavy LONDON?! accent, supporting why I think this film comes under this genre. The main character talking has a witty humour and comes across as quite sarcastic, even though the characters are humorous this film would not fall under the comedy genre because the other conventions support why it is a British realist gangster film. Jason Statham, who is the main character we see in the beginning, has also starred in other British realist gangster films, so because he plays the role well in others suggests that Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels is going to be the same genre, because of the actor who is used. The director and writer of this film was Guy Ritchie, who directs British realist gangster films, so because it is a Guy Ritchie film, the audience assume it will be similar to his previous work. So because it's a Guy Ritchie film and the actors used, we as the audience, assume that the genre of this film is a British realist gangster film.

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