Friday 27 January 2012

Green Street
Until the character's voice over, the genre is not very well established within the opening scene of Green Street. The clip opens on a close-up of the main character at an airport handing money over, we can tell he will be one of the main characters because all the cuts are of him and following him on his journey. As well as an aeroplane,  another form of transport used within the first two minutes is a train, this could suggest to the audience that this film is going to be about him running away and escaping/ hiding, which they could either associate with action/ adventure films or the gangster genre. It contradicts what we as an audience typically associate with a gangster film because bright lighting is used, when we think of conventions of a gangster film, we assume dark lighting will be used and dull lighted back streets. When he is walking through the airport it announces over the tannoy that the guy has arrived in Heathrow airport, he then also gets on the underground, from where this film has been chose to be set, we assume that it's going to be a British realist gangster genre. The guy pays money over the desk and then continues to walk through the airport, if the money was not an important factor within the film or didn't have any relation to the genre then they would have just filmed him boarding the plane, but because they have showed him handing money over, we as the audience jump to conclusions that money is going to be a major factor within this film or it contributes to the fact that we think it's a British realist gangster film.

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