Friday 27 April 2012

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
When filming our preliminary task I didn't feel i knew much about the filming equipment and technology. When doing our preliminary we learnt the 180 degree rule which I never knew before and incorporated that into our task. But since doing our actual film opening I feel I have developed alot more technological skills which I didn't have before doing our filming. We used a handheld camera and tripod and we filmed our final media product in wide screen but when we were capturing our footage onto the editing machines, our editing machine wasn't set up for widescreen so our footage had been being squashed and stretched onto the screen and didn't look right. So we had a slight problem and had to restart our editing machine from scratch again, when we were almost finished! I  done GCSE media so knew how to use the editing machines, but I've never had to use an editing machine to make a film opening, only ever a music video. So it was alot different especially trying to meet the conventions of our genre through editing etc, but I learnt alot about technology constructing this product. We used freeze frames and so we learnt how to zoom in and make font appear over the top to introduce the character which I didn't know before I started filming our media product. We also leant how to import the film title from a website called 'da font' where we had to edit it in photoshop to change the writing from black to white and then import it into our opening scene. We also learnt new technological skills all around when it came to importing still pictures etc. From seeing the individual clips to when it has all been put together it shows me how much I have learnt during the duration of this project.

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