Monday 20 February 2012

As a group we have already established our filming locations and where would be ideal for our genre we are doing. Most of the gangster genres we analysed were filmed on streets, such as Lock Stock and two smoking barrels and The football factory. So we went out with a camera and took some still images on the street of likely filming places so that we could get a better idea in our head of scripting ideas as well. While we were there we also tested different shot types and camera movements we could use within our locations to see if they'd be effective. So there shouldn't be any location issues during the production process. The actors used in gangster films are celebrities such as Jason Statham, Guy Ritchie etc. However we obviously can't use these people and have to use actors within our group, so this could impact production.

Friday 17 February 2012

Vinnie (voiceover); Well here is Vinnie a young man, one hell of a grafter. This man could sell sand to the Arab’s, snow to the Eskimos and tax to the government he is so crafty. Yeah certainly brain of the operations.

(Shot changes to character Tommy)
Not like Tommy he is what we call a bit of a wet towel, completely and utterly useless but he is a smooth talker with the ladies. God knows why with a face like that (Freeze-frame photo of Tommy looking rough). We always reckon he was a mummy’s boy.

(On screen talking)
Vinnie; Tommy what do you see around here?
Tommy; Nothing much Vinnie, buildings, houses, streets
Vinnie; No Tommy, it is an ocean around here, and it is full of sharks Rule number 10 NEVER TRUST NO-ONE

Voiceover; Tommy is Vinnie’s best friend and Tommy looks up to Vinnie like an older brother but he would never cross him. Vinnie is teaching Tommy rules of the way.
Tommy; What was rule number nine again Vinnie
(Voiceover) like I said Vinnie is the brains of the operation.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

When thinking of our company name, we came up with the idea of LRMC, this is the title of our film company because it is the first letter of our names within the group so we thought it was only fair to include all of our names as it is all of our contribution towards the film. We have decided to name the film Crafty, because that describes the characters personalities and the storyline behind the film. When doing our research, we looked at companies which have produced British gangster films, and one of them was SKA films. So this is the film company we are going to include, when showing titles etc.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Character Profile: Tommy
Tommy has never been the brightest of the bunch, but somehow always manages to charm the ladies with his smooth approach. Tommy is Vinnie's partner in crime, and trouble seems to follow Tommy around and he can never escape! Even though Tommy's talk with the ladies never dissapoints, unfortunately he isn't as good when it comes to selling stolen goods so he leaves Vinnie incharge and is just there for support! Tommy's characteristics and personality is a lot like the actor Jason Flemyng, Tommy is very dopey and quite the ladies man!
Character Profile: Vinnie
Vinnie is a salesman, he is the main man of the game but always relies on his right hand man Tommy to get him out of trouble when needed. If by looking at him you can't tell this already, nobody messes with Vinnie! He is the brains within the operation, as Tommy doesn't have any, so Vinnie collects the goods and sells them illegally at reasonable prices and is always on the run from the police! If Vinnie was to be compared to another famous gangster actor he is most like Danny Dyer, very respected and takes the role of the leader!
The Voki is what I imagine my target audience to be and look like. I think my target audience is from teenage males until 40 year olds who are just everyday city guys.